Estonian Postal Rates for Letters to Foreign Countries
Exceptions prevailed: Latvia,
Lithuania, (both countries from 1923 to 5.12.1940), Finland (31.12.1928–30.11.1940) and Sweden (1.5.1937–5.12.1940) had a special Postal Agreement with
Estonia. Please, look at the examples.
The registration was an essential part of postal services.
Foreign registration fees between 19.2.1919-5.12.1940:
15 g … 0,45 Mk
Kirjeen takana on 2 Helsingin leimaa, 23. ja 25. VIII. Kyseessä on tietenkin sensuuriin liittyvä kaksoisleimaus.
10.4.1921 - 31.10.1922
Postüberwachungsstelle = Post monitoring point
1.11.1922 - 31.12.1923
15 g … 0,45 Mk
g … 0,90 Mk
ea 15 g + 0,45 Mk
15 g
… 0,50 Mk
g … 1,00 Mk
g … 1,50 Mk
ea 15 g + 0,50 Mk
kirjeessä on 1 Mk. sininen Viikinkilaiva, joka on painettu ns. valkoiselle paperille. Se on varmasti
tuota paperi-erää, sillä harmaalle paperille painettu 1 Mk tuli markkinoille
vasta 3.3.1920. Heinäkuun 28. on siten melko aikainen leimaus. Postitaksa on
oikea: kirjaus 0,50 Mk ja 15 gr. kirje 0,50 Mk eli 1
Mk yhteensä.
The registered letter
below has been sent 26.9.1919 from Pärnu to Hamburg in Germany: foreign registration 0,50 mk
+ letter (15 g.) 0,50 mk = 1 mk. The letter arrived in Hamburg 8.10.1919.
Please, observe the Pärnu censorship triangle-stamping S.K. Pä (sõja kontroll-punkt, Pärnu). The military control point of Pärnu was opened January 27, 1919. As we all remember, the Estonian War of Independence took place during November 28, 1918 - February 2, 1920.
Vuonna 1920 hinnat Virossa lähtivät villiin
inflaatioon. Hintakehityksen suunnasta oltiin varmoja, sillä postitaksat
määriteltiin vain ½ vuodeksi, ajalle 1.1.1920–1.6.1920. Tämä kirjattu
ulkomaankirje on osoitettu Sveitsin Berniin herra F. Hoffmannille. Tässä
kirjeessä kirjaus on maksanut 1,25 Mk
ja 15 gr. kirje 1,25 Mk eli yhteensä
2,50 Mk. Tuloleima kirjeen takana on
leimattu 23.1.23. Mitähän kautta kirje on kulkenut perille Sveitsiin?
This registered letter
is sent 16.7.1920 from Tartu to a
little village near Breslau in Germany, via Finland: Registration 2,5 Mk
+ letter (15 g.) 2,5 Mk = 5 Mk
10.4.1921 - 31.10.1922
20 g
… 10.00 Mk
g … 15,00 Mk
g … 20,00 Mk
ea 20 g + 5,00 Mk
Freiherrn Albert von
Schrenck-(Notzing) (18 May 1862 – 12 February
1929) was a notable physician, psychiatrist and psychic researcher.
Paranormal events, mediumship, hypnotism and telepathy were all dear to
him. He lived and died in Munchen, Germany. This registered letter
carries stamps for value of 20 Mk. That is exactly correct because the reg. fee was 10 Mk and letter 20g. also 10 Mk.
Postüberwachungsstelle = Post monitoring point
1.11.1922 - 31.12.1923
20 g
… 15.00 Mk
g … 22,50 Mk
g … 30,00 Mk
ea 20 g +7,50 Mk
Registration 15 Mk + letter 20
g. 15 Mk = 30 Mk. The back side of the letter below
1.1.1924 - 31.1.1925
20 g
… 15.00 Mk
g … 23,00 Mk
g … 31,00 Mk
ea 20 g + 8,00 Mk
27.5.1924 registered letter from Hagudi, Estonia, to Miesbach, Germany. The registration fee was 15 Mk and the foreign letter (20 gr). 15 Mk. 30 Mk is correct.
1.2.1925 - 31.12.1927
20 g
… 20.00 Mk
g … 32,00 Mk
g … 44,00 Mk
ea 15 g + 12,00 Mk
The above letter has been
sent from Tallinn 26 IV 1927 to Helsinki, in Finland. The fee of 20 marka is correct.
1.1.1935 - 31.3.1939
20 g
… 0,25 Kr
g … 0,40 Kr
g … 0,55 Kr
20 g + 0,15 Kr
Registration 25 senti and foreign letter (21 - 40 g.) 40 senti = 65 senti.
The above letter has been
sent from Tallinn 1 II 1937 to
Washington, DC. The size of the envelope is 24 cm x 11 cm. There is the text behind the
envelope:”From the Franklin D. Roosevelt
collection authenticated by H.R. Harmer INC, N.Y. From Internet we can find
out: “In 1946, H.R. Harmer Inc.of New York was selected to sell the late
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s stamp collection”.
20 g
… 0,30 Kr
g … 0,48 Kr
g … 0,66 Kr
20 g + 0,18 Kr
Charlottenlund is a town in Denmark about 20 km to Copenhagen. Charlottenlund derives
its name from Princess Charlotte Amalie, the daughter of King Frederick IV of Denmark.
This of course took place long, long time ago. January 10, 1940, Herrn direktor Peter Peltzer has received a
registered letter from Narva, Estonia. The letter has departed Narva January 5, 1940. Is the franking
correct? Yes, it is because the registration was 0, 20 Kr and the foreign letter (< 20g.) was 0, 30 Kr = 0, 50 Kr. = 50 s.
The special Postal Agreement
between Estonia and Finland was
valid 31.12.1928 – 30.11.1940.
The Postal Agreement between Estonia
and Finland: “the Decree included letters up to 500 grams, postcards, the
minimum rate for commercial papers, registration, insurance for letters,
express fee for letter-post articles, advice of delivery, withdrawal of mail
and alteration of address, plus the authority for payment”.
31.12.1928 – 31.12.1934 letter (<40
g.) to Finland was 15 senti.
This letter from Juuru, 9 VIII 1930 and arrival in Wasa (Vaasa) 12.VIII.30
This letter from Juuru, 9 VIII 1930 and arrival in Wasa (Vaasa) 12.VIII.30
1.1.1935 – 30.4.1937 letter (<40 g) to Finland was
15 senti.
1.5.1937 – 31.3.1939. letter (< 20
g) to Finland was 15 senti.
This letter from Tallinn, 8 II 1939 and arrival in Nykarleby II.II.39
1.4.1939 – 29.2.1940. letter (< 20
g) to Finland was 15 senti.
This letter from Tallinn, 28 VI 1939 and arrival in Kauniainen 29.VI.39
This letter from Tallinn, 28 VI 1939 and arrival in Kauniainen 29.VI.39
1.3.1940 – 5.12.1940 letter (< 20 g.) to Finland was 15 senti.
This letter from Tartu, 2 XI 1940 and arrival in Seinäjoki 12.VI.40
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